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Build Up Skills Trainbud

During the 36 month of the project the aim is to create a voluntary qualification system (quality labelling) based on the participatory strategy and actions of the Sustainable Construction Skill Alliance.

The BUILD UP Skills TRAINBUD is the second pillar of the BUILD UP Skills Hungary (BUSH 2011-2013) project which is funded by the Intelligent Energy Programme of the European Commission. The BUSH project created a base for building energy efficiency and renewable energy into the vocational training of construction workers.

Objectives of the project

This voluntary qualification system would create

  1. positive reinforcement for HVAC skilled workers to invest trainings to gain practical skills related to sustainable construction and
  2. could provide homeowners with reliable information on the skills and qualities of construction workers.

This requires double action:

  • On the one hand reinforcing the up-to-date knowledge and appropriate skill base of construction workforce (especially HVAC skilled workers) in building energetics, energy efficient measures and use of renewable energy in order to become agents for energy efficient improvements for the Hungarian building stock
  • On the other hand raising the awareness of property and home owners in energy efficiency measures and emphasising the importance of proper examination, assessment and installation of such measures raise the demand for such qualified, skilled workers.

According to the National Energy Strategy 2030 in year 2010 the 40 % of all energy consumed in Hungary was consumed in our buildings, out of which about 80% is consumed for heating and cooling (heating, hot water usage and cooking). Out of the approximately 4.3 million flats of residential building stock, 70 % does not comply with the up-to-date thermal engineering requirements. Therefore we concentrate our efforts to persuade home owners to invest in highly skilled labour to improve energy usage of their homes, to contribute to the national and EU 2020 goals.

The choice of our work of action is grounded by the following facts:

  • The training and certification structure is very complex in Hungary creating heavy burden especially on SMEs, and there is a huge number of SMEs and HVAC workers working in the grey economy.
  • It is rather difficult to inspect and monitor the quality of work done in homes due to the fragmented ownership structure of homes, 86% of all homes are owned occupied, the custom of not preparing proper contracts between home owner and renovation company, the lack of knowledge on certification and qualification systems for HVAC workers among the general public, improvidence within financial and taxation issues and because of short term thinking of the home owners because of lack of prompt financial resources.

Therefore concerted actions are necessary to improve both the energy skills of the workforce and to create perceptive national circumstances that investing in these skills would be profitable and rewarding in the number of commissions.

Project information

The project is implemented in Consortium with the following partners:

  • ÉMI Non-profit Limited Liability Company for Quality Control and Innovation in Building
  • Hungarian Coordination Association for Building Engineering
  • National Association of Accredited Adult Education Institutions
  • M-12/B Real Estate Development Company
  • Insomnia Ltd.

Duration: 2014.09.01. - 2017.08.31.

Partnereink, támogatóink

Gazdaságfejlesztési Minisztérium Magyar Mérnöki Kamara Blaue Lagune ZAG ITB CIB UEAtc EOTA WFTAO Európai Hulladékcsökkentési Hét Építési Vállalkozók Országos Szakszövetsége ENBRI EGOLF ECTP Centre National de l’ingénierie de la Construction EPIC/CNIC Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy BorsodChem Szentendre Miskolci Egyetem Miniszterelnökség BM Országos Katasztrófavédelmi Főigazgatóság
Magyar Mérnöki Kamara Blaue Lagune ZAG ITB CIB UEAtc EOTA WFTAO Európai Hulladékcsökkentési Hét Építési Vállalkozók Országos Szakszövetsége ENBRI EGOLF ECTP Centre National de l’ingénierie de la Construction EPIC/CNIC Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy BorsodChem Szentendre Miskolci Egyetem Miniszterelnökség BM Országos Katasztrófavédelmi Főigazgatóság Gazdaságfejlesztési Minisztérium
Blaue Lagune ZAG ITB CIB UEAtc EOTA WFTAO Európai Hulladékcsökkentési Hét Építési Vállalkozók Országos Szakszövetsége ENBRI EGOLF ECTP Centre National de l’ingénierie de la Construction EPIC/CNIC Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy BorsodChem Szentendre Miskolci Egyetem Miniszterelnökség BM Országos Katasztrófavédelmi Főigazgatóság Gazdaságfejlesztési Minisztérium Magyar Mérnöki Kamara
ZAG ITB CIB UEAtc EOTA WFTAO Európai Hulladékcsökkentési Hét Építési Vállalkozók Országos Szakszövetsége ENBRI EGOLF ECTP Centre National de l’ingénierie de la Construction EPIC/CNIC Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy BorsodChem Szentendre Miskolci Egyetem Miniszterelnökség BM Országos Katasztrófavédelmi Főigazgatóság Gazdaságfejlesztési Minisztérium Magyar Mérnöki Kamara Blaue Lagune

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