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Professional activity

ÉMI Non-Profit Limited Liability Company for Quality Control and Innovation in Building (ÉMI Non-profit Llc.) is Hungary's largest complex building and construction materials industry approval, testing, inspection, certification, professional and innovation institution, and a member of a number of European and international organizations (EOTA, EGOLF, ENBRI, WFTAO, CIB, ECTP, UEAtc).

The Company is 100% state-owned (ownership rights are exercised by Ministry for Economic Development); as a successor of the Construction Quality Control Institute (Építésügyi Minőségellenőrző Intézet, ÉMI), founded in 1963, and the Building Research Institute (Építéstudományi Intézet, ÉTI), it has been an organization with special responsibilities and functions for decades. Main characteristics of our activities: quality, reliability, independence, impartiality, competence.

ÉMI's activities cover the entire country, and in addition to activities inside Hungary, we fulfil foreign orders as well. Our high quality professional work is aided by a Central Laboratory in Budapest and Szentendre with 9 branch laboratories and five regional laboratories in Debrecen, Győr, Miskolc, Pécs and Veszprém, that perform tests accredited by the National Accreditation Board.

ÉMI's activities and services:
Contributes to certification of compliance of construction products by testing, inspection and certification. Supports the participants in the construction field with expert and consultation activities. We help construction companies in the development of construction products or technologies with testing, experiments and studies and participate in the preparatory work of professional regulations and regulatory actions.

  • Cerification of conformity of construction products:
    Certification of conformity of products and factory production control by issuing EC certificates of conformity or certificates of conformity, EC certificates of factory production control or certificates of factory production control, and/or initial type test reports.
  • Suitabilty tests:
    The determination of those product characteristics, which will enable the product, if installed and used properly, to make the building, in which the product is installed, to comply with the essential safety, health and environmental requirements, during the entire life of the product. As a member of EOTA, ÉMI will issue European Technical Approvals /ETA/ or National Technical Approvals /ÉME/, based on the above.
  • Quality control of projects:
    In recent decades ÉMI was present at dozens of building construction and civil engineering projects on behalf of the builder, the technical inspector or contractor. Through a national network of laboratories ÉMI was present also as a partner of companies who carry out construction work in several different areas of the country. The biggest advantage of ÉMI is its diverse professional experience and laboratory facilities, that enable it to use a large capacity in controling complex tasks. For the performance of construction industry related test functions beyond ÉMI's scope of activities an extensive domestic and international network of partners is at the disposal of our company.
  • Professional tests:
    Initial type-testing of construction products, and testing other product specifications required by the manufacturer. Structure and material testing, technical inspection and control of individual processes of construction work execution, and examination of nuclear facilities.
  • Regulatory requirement based functions:
    Authorization, operation and control of elevators and escalators and professional supervision of the activities of the inspectors. Tasks related to the licensing and building of nuclear facilities, testing, inspection and certification of fire protection equipment.
  • Engineering expertise and consulting in the following areas:
    Building materials, structures and technologies; construction errors; design solutions; application technical aspects of products; building diagnostics; quality control; materials, structures and construction solutions for the technologies of nuclear facilities.
  • Research and development:
    Product and technology development; development of testing and quality control methods; research tests and measurements; making studies and analyses; regulation or legislation preparatory work; monitoring trends; participation in European Union research.
  • Technical regulation:
    Preparation of standards, user and application technical guidelines.
  • Tender management:
    The Housing Innovation Department handles residential energy assistance related project management tasks. In processing the tenders ÉMI handles the following tasks: registration of tenders submitted; preparation of tender decision-making; conclusion of support contracts related to the supported applications; disbursement and accounting of support funds; conducting on-site inspections; preparation for receiving new tender systems.
  • Other activities:
    Qualification of construction enterprises and registration of qualified users; authorization of the use of the ÉMI100% trademark; calibration services and verification measurements for external testing sites; provision of information on bauxite cement concrete buildings; utilisation of the Szentendre Industrial Park; educational activities in a variety of professional and university courses.

Most important reference works recently:

  • Expert activities each year after some 1,500 accidents of buildings the and structures (Miskolc panel fire, red mud disaster, West Balkán, CET).
  • Participation in the design of the architectural condition monitoring system of the Paks Nuclear Power Plant.
  • Great supervisor functions at the expansion of the M7 motorway, the continued construction of the the M3, construction of the M7 section to the border, the Tisza bridge at Oszlár, the Danube bridges of Dunaújváros and Megyer.
  • Mine tests of Lasselberger Hungária Kft.,
  • Materials testing for the Mercedes auto plant in Kecskemét, Audi factory building inspections.

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Phone: +36 26 502 300
E-mail: info@emi.hu

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Gazdaságfejlesztési Minisztérium Magyar Mérnöki Kamara Blaue Lagune ZAG ITB CIB UEAtc EOTA WFTAO Európai Hulladékcsökkentési Hét Építési Vállalkozók Országos Szakszövetsége ENBRI EGOLF ECTP Centre National de l’ingénierie de la Construction EPIC/CNIC Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy BorsodChem Szentendre Miskolci Egyetem Miniszterelnökség BM Országos Katasztrófavédelmi Főigazgatóság
Magyar Mérnöki Kamara Blaue Lagune ZAG ITB CIB UEAtc EOTA WFTAO Európai Hulladékcsökkentési Hét Építési Vállalkozók Országos Szakszövetsége ENBRI EGOLF ECTP Centre National de l’ingénierie de la Construction EPIC/CNIC Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy BorsodChem Szentendre Miskolci Egyetem Miniszterelnökség BM Országos Katasztrófavédelmi Főigazgatóság Gazdaságfejlesztési Minisztérium
Blaue Lagune ZAG ITB CIB UEAtc EOTA WFTAO Európai Hulladékcsökkentési Hét Építési Vállalkozók Országos Szakszövetsége ENBRI EGOLF ECTP Centre National de l’ingénierie de la Construction EPIC/CNIC Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy BorsodChem Szentendre Miskolci Egyetem Miniszterelnökség BM Országos Katasztrófavédelmi Főigazgatóság Gazdaságfejlesztési Minisztérium Magyar Mérnöki Kamara
ZAG ITB CIB UEAtc EOTA WFTAO Európai Hulladékcsökkentési Hét Építési Vállalkozók Országos Szakszövetsége ENBRI EGOLF ECTP Centre National de l’ingénierie de la Construction EPIC/CNIC Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy BorsodChem Szentendre Miskolci Egyetem Miniszterelnökség BM Országos Katasztrófavédelmi Főigazgatóság Gazdaságfejlesztési Minisztérium Magyar Mérnöki Kamara Blaue Lagune

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