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Placing construction products on the Hungarian market

ÉMI Non-profit Llc. receives a lot of requests, where manufacturers of construction products or future distributors inquire about the ways of marketing. This short and simple description will provide you with the relevant information.

Whether or not a construction product is suitable for a particular application area, is determined by the applicable requirements.

1.) The applicable requirements are included firstly in the product's technical specifications, and this document also provides the steps for marketing the product.
The basic types of technical specifications:
- standard (adopted harmonized EN standard),
- individual technical specification,
- if the product is not mass produced: work plan documentation of the structure, where the product is installed.
In case an adopted, harmonized EN standard applies to the product, we may proceed to the question of distribution (paragraph 3).

2.) If there is no adopted and harmonized EN standard for the a product, or the product is significantly different from the contents of that, then the preparation of an individual technical assessment can be applied for with an authorized Technical Assessment Body (TAB).
In cases where the manufacturer is planning on marketing the product only in Hungary, he needs to apply for a National Technical Assessment (NMÉ), if he is planning on marketing within the EU, he needs a European Technical Assessment (ETA).
ÉMI Non-profit Llc. is authorized to issue both types of certificates.

3.) In the possession of the applicable technical assessment the process of verification and supervision of performance, serving as the basis of product distribution, may be carried out. In the process of certification of performance, the manufacturer must demonstrate, that his product complies with the requirements of the technical assessment.
The content and details of the certification process are determinded by the method specified in the technical assessment. During the procedure both the manufacturer and the so-called designated body have responsibilities, with the exception of one method.
ÉMI Non-profit Llc. is authorized to perform the duties of the designated body.

After the successful conclusion of the certification of performance, and in the possession of the document per the relevant method (certificate, initial type test report), the manufacturer may issue a Supplier’s Performance Declaration, which, if attached to a product, the product may be lawfully marketed.

If the technical specification of the product is an adopted, harmonized EN standard, or European Technical Assessment (ETA) the CE marking may be placed on the product.

4.) Installation requirements
In addition to the requirements of the technical specifications of construction products, there may be separate, for example member state requirements, regarding the installation of the product into a particular building, such as for example the National Fire Protection Code or TNM decree 7/2006 in Hungary.

Currently in Hungary the marketing and application of construction products is regulated by Government Decree 275/2013. (VII. 16.) as a national supplement to the European Parliament and Council Regulation 305/2011/EU.
According to the Government Decree, all construction products' performance - except some cases named in the regulataion - must be verified with Supplier’s Performance Declaration, as a prerequisite to the installation of the product in a building.


Head of Technical Assessment Office
E-mail: ajanlat@emi.hu
Megfelelőségértékelő központvezető
E-mail: ajanlat@emi.hu

Partnereink, támogatóink

Gazdaságfejlesztési Minisztérium Magyar Mérnöki Kamara Blaue Lagune ZAG ITB CIB UEAtc EOTA WFTAO Európai Hulladékcsökkentési Hét Építési Vállalkozók Országos Szakszövetsége ENBRI EGOLF ECTP Centre National de l’ingénierie de la Construction EPIC/CNIC Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy BorsodChem Szentendre Miskolci Egyetem Miniszterelnökség BM Országos Katasztrófavédelmi Főigazgatóság
Magyar Mérnöki Kamara Blaue Lagune ZAG ITB CIB UEAtc EOTA WFTAO Európai Hulladékcsökkentési Hét Építési Vállalkozók Országos Szakszövetsége ENBRI EGOLF ECTP Centre National de l’ingénierie de la Construction EPIC/CNIC Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy BorsodChem Szentendre Miskolci Egyetem Miniszterelnökség BM Országos Katasztrófavédelmi Főigazgatóság Gazdaságfejlesztési Minisztérium
Blaue Lagune ZAG ITB CIB UEAtc EOTA WFTAO Európai Hulladékcsökkentési Hét Építési Vállalkozók Országos Szakszövetsége ENBRI EGOLF ECTP Centre National de l’ingénierie de la Construction EPIC/CNIC Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy BorsodChem Szentendre Miskolci Egyetem Miniszterelnökség BM Országos Katasztrófavédelmi Főigazgatóság Gazdaságfejlesztési Minisztérium Magyar Mérnöki Kamara
ZAG ITB CIB UEAtc EOTA WFTAO Európai Hulladékcsökkentési Hét Építési Vállalkozók Országos Szakszövetsége ENBRI EGOLF ECTP Centre National de l’ingénierie de la Construction EPIC/CNIC Covenant of Mayors for Climate & Energy BorsodChem Szentendre Miskolci Egyetem Miniszterelnökség BM Országos Katasztrófavédelmi Főigazgatóság Gazdaságfejlesztési Minisztérium Magyar Mérnöki Kamara Blaue Lagune

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